I am extremely grateful for the support of Fher Perez and Opal Street Car Wash. Small businesses are the backbone of a vibrant and prosperous community. If you've never patronized this establishment I highly recommend you do. They provide a great service at a reasonable price and are actively engaged in their community. Opal Street Car Wash is a proud sponsor of the Jurupa Valley Food Fest! Thank you Fher Perez!

Estoy muy agradecido por el apoyo de Fher Perez y Opal Street Car Wash. Las pequeñas empresas son la columna vertebral de una comunidad vibrante y próspera. Si nunca has frecuentado este establecimiento, te recomiendo que lo hagas. Ofrecen un excelente servicio a un precio razonable y participan activamente en su comunidad. ¡Opal Street Car Wash es un orgulloso patrocinador del Jurupa Valley Food Fest! Gracias Fher Perez!
